Our individual approach means understanding our clients, their companies, brands, products and services through their core mission, vision, values and then creating or improving images until they radiate uniqueness.
While analyzing, designing, realizing, monitoring and evaluating, we maintain accuracy, innovative ideas, responsiveness, loyalty, desire to acquire new skills, quality of information, creative thinking, bold imagination, sense of ideas and responsible approach.



In 2020, Medias kreativ d.o.o. was awarded a grant of 29. 999 EUR from the Slovenian Ministry of Culture under the public tender for “Spodbujanje kreativnih kulturnih industrij – Center za kreativnost 2020-2021” (“Incentivizing creative cultural industries – Center for creativity 2020-2021”) for the Development of Topia, serving system Topia. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The purpose of the public tender is in supporting and developing innovative ideas, companies or projects from the field of the creative cultural sector (CCS), cooperation between the CCS and the enterprise sector, the transfer of new ideas to the enterprise sector, the promotion of entrepreneurship in the CCS through the cooperation with mentors, inclusion in mentoring programs, as well as elevate the number of people employed in the supported projects.
The innovative serving system called Topia focuses on the development of a new product that responds to the needs of a multidimensional approach to serving and presenting food in fine dining restaurants. It is created at the intersection of various areas such as art, market, entrepreneurship, and economy, and combines creativity, production, and distribution of a product with a pronounced cultural content.
Medias kreativ will develop Topia in collaboration with a CCS representative and with the help of a mentor, which it will pick from the mentoring scheme, managed by the Center for Creativity.
To find out more about cohesion policy in Slovenia, please visit: www.eu-skladi.si/?set_language=en